Wednesday, May 27, 2009

University Professor

This Universty Professor believes that students should not strive to get good grades, he simply thought that students should pick their grades, and go from there. I personally DO NOT agree with this at all because if students are garuanteed a perfect grade, why would they show up to class, when they can graduate with an amazing grade average and get a job anywhere. Secondly, they will not get the education they need to get into they work place, and if they did get into the work field that they were applying for, THEY WOULD BE LOST! And i just have one question... when an employer is trying to choose the right employee for the job, how would they pick the right one, when all of the students have the same grade??!?! Tough decision eh? This is just my opinion though. When we go off to Post Secondary Schooling, most of us have to pay for our tuition out of our own pocket. The drop out rate for first year students is very very high right now, and I simply believe that it would sky rocket if the schooling system ran like the way this professor thinks. The teachers don't care if you come nor if you get the credit.

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