Thursday, May 21, 2009

Teen Electronic Lifes

We are the generation that is growing up with all of these new electronic devices, and this can be an advantage for us, or a disadvantage. An advantage this can have for us is that I personally believe that majority of the work field in the next few years is all going to be used with electronics. A disadvantage that this has for us, is that teens today are glued to these electronic devices, and have no social life. Atfer we watched a short video on teens todays with electronics, we had a classroom discussion and some people felt that if you need an electronic device to not feel alone, then you have issues. But I personally think that this is a last resort for them, because they have tried every other possible resort to fit in. I feel so bad for kids like this. For instince, a kid goes to school, and gets picked on every day, no friends, and eats alone because everyone makes fun of him. If I was treated like this I don't know what I would do. But in the other hand, this same kid goes home after school, and has a totally different life at home on the internet. He can talk to people, and about his problems. For the most part no one will judge him because he is just another person with no face. I know people that use facebook, ect.. to try and make new friends, but thats different because they already have friends.
Overall, I think that kids should try to make friends, and fit in, and not always rely on the internet or cell phone.

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