Wednesday, June 3, 2009

If I was Incharge of The Education System

If I was incharge of the education system I would definitely bring more creativity and ease up on kids. I think we should let kids move at their own pace, but also encourage them to get work in on time, and be punctual. I would also like to start classes at about 9 or so, and still end around the same time. I would bring back OAC because kids now a days have been pressured to move on, they are nervous and not ready to go out into the real world. I feel that kids have no idea what to do after high school because we are getting told we have to do so many things quick and right if we want to succeed out there. I see where they are coming from, but give us a break, we're only kids once, let us be kids. Now Homework. I think that the homework part in school is a joke! You rarely get homework if you're in a College Level Course, but if you're in University Courses, you do get homework, but it's still pretty straight forward if you follow along. I'm not saying we should bring in more, I'm just saying that I think its funny the lack of homework we do get. I could go on all day about the things that I would change, but I feel these topics I covered were the most important ones to me.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I have always heard about Twitter, but I don't have any means to get it. I have Facebook, which I hardly use, but Twitter is basically the exact same thing. Describe yourself, put a picture, and let people creep. I like the whole idea of Facebook, and Twitter, like trying to interact with friends, family, and even trying to find old friends, like your graduating class. I know people who creep Twitter to find girls or boys for relationships and stuff, but I think that is wrong. I believe it should be used to communicate with people you already know. Soon we will have a new and more advanced " Twitter " and people will soon move on to that.
I have thought about getting Twitter just to see the actual differences.

Ipods Banned From Schools

I do not agree with this at all. There is a time and place when you should and shouldn't use your Ipod. If a teacher is done explaining the instructions, and you are assigned work, I do not see the problem with using your Ipod and a certain volume. I can see not having Ipod visible when a teacher is giving a lesson, but to ban it period, I think that is just dumb. Cell phones are totally different. Every kid today has a cell phone, and to try and take a kids cell phone probably won't turn out so well. I see were the teachers are coming from like, cause for years if a parent ever needed to get a hold of their child, they would just call the school. So cell phones, I can see. But back to the Ipod issue, I love listening to my music when I'm working, I personally think it helps me focus better because I can block out all of the other noise surrounding me.
Therefore, I think the School Board and teachers should not be so anal towards Ipods in schools.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Seeing And Believing

I think it can go both ways here. But for the most part, I like to see things to believe them. If a friend tells me something, like " Jonny broke his leg". Thats not too big of a deal, so I'll probably believe them. But if someone said " I heard Jonny died in a car crash last night" I don't think I would believe them until I saw it with my own to eyes, or heard it on the news. People always talk and stuff, and that's how rumours get started. So I think that everyone should not say anything until they are 100% sure that it is the truth.

Thoughts On Angels & Demons

Not a big book guy, much like the Da Vinci Code. I personally thought that the book got really indepth about some topics, when it shouldn't have focused as much on that and kept on truckin' throught the story line. One thing that I actually liked about this book is that it always gave you little bits of information and hints that eventually related and tied together at the end. If you're into action, thriller, and mystery type books, this book is perfect for you. I wouldn't recommend this book to someone who was looking to read one for fun, they would have to be into mystery, ect..
I wish I had have been able to go and see the movie, but unfortunitly I had to get a prom tux. I was looking on the internet and this movie had great reviews. It was released in Europe I think 2 weeks before North America and it was on the top charts and was sold out every show. From what I have heard this movie is great. Better than the Da Vinci Code. I thought that movie was pretty good.
I am going to have to go to the theatre and see for my self how good this movie really is.

Punk Rock Scientist

Hmm I was in Florida when we watched this video and blogged on it. I tried to find some type of information, or even this video on google so I could blog on it, but I didn't have any luck. I was told it was about a scientist who used to be a rocker, had very religous beliefs, and was also talking about the Large Hadron Collider. Im not sure if this helps me out at all, but it's definitely worth a try!

Ingersoll Open School

I think the whole " Open School " idea is great, but not in a town like Ingersoll. We already have The Fusion Centre, and they had the same idea. I can't recall any student that ACTUALLY goes to Fusion to do work. I don't know how this is going to sound, but when I hear fusion, I think of kids going for drugs. If Ingersoll did get and Open School I think it would help some kids, but it would also lead kids to more bullying. A lot of people don't think this, but I went to Kumon, a tutoring centre in Dorchester, and I had people teasing me and stuff, it wasn't good at all. I stayed for about 2 years in total. And I think that would happen to majority of kids. An Open School in London would be great, because it's a bigger city, with more kids and schools. Chances that youre going to know another kid would be slim. It's also pretty cool how these Open Schools are volenteers wanted to help kids who are struggling. Great idea, but not in this small town.